How to install outdoor tennis posts in Irish schools & sports clubs.
Outlined below please see an outdoor tennis ‘Parts’ list and our installation steps.
Department of Education PEO/150 Outdoor Tennis parts list
- tennis ground sockets (92mm internal diameter) (2)
- tennis caps (2)
- tennis upright posts, (89mm external diameter) (2)
- tennis external winder (1)
- tennis net, 2.5 mm twine (1)
Step 1 – Tennis Posts Positioning:
Determine the correct positions to install the tennis ground sockets. Tennis posts are set 42’ apart for a doubles court and this measurement is made from the center of one post to the center of the other. Also, take into account tennis line marking dimensions and allow for at least 1m for an adequate run-off safety area.
Step 2 – Tennis Ground Sockets installation:
Each tennis socket requires a hole size of minimum 500 mm diameter and approximately 400 mm depth. Ensure tennis socket is set level with the ground after installation, use a spirit level. At this point, pour the concrete into the hole surrounding the tennis sockets making sure the tennis caps are covering the tennis sockets. It is essential that tennis ground sockets are correctly installed to ensure the tennis poles are upright. Allow tennis sockets to settle for a minimum of 48 hours before setting up the tennis posts.
Step 3 – Tennis Post set up:
Tennis posts & nets should be set up by an adult. Remove the tennis caps and place the tennis upright posts into the tennis sockets. Now attach the tennis net to the external winder. Measure the height of the net near the posts. The top of the net tape should be approximately 42 inches from the ground.
Tenis Posts Safety Notes:
Inspect the tennis winder and tennis nets at regular intervals. Children should not climb on the tennis posts and should always be supervised using any sports equipment. An adult is required for set up.
Hopefully this information concerning outdoor tennis installation & set for Irish schools and sports clubs was helpful.
If you require any further information or literure on installing outdoor tennis or indeed tennis equipment in general please don’t hesitate to contact niall clancy, marketing;